Meheret Debebe (MD)
Dr. Mehret is a well-known practicing psychiatrist and an author of two books titled Yetekolefebt Kulef (The locked key) and Lela Sew (the other person). He received Medical Degree in Addis Ababa University, Tikur Anbesa Medical School. He then travelled to United States to specialize in psychiatry. Currently he practices psychiatry in both nations.
Mehret is also recognized for his engagement in several initiatives on mind/society/cultural transformation. He regular appears in different media outlet and is one of the few motivational speakers in the country.
Early Life
Mehret was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As a child he wanted to become an architect. However, he was influenced by circumstances and joined media school.
He received his Medical Degree from Addis Ababa University, Tikur Anbessa Medical School in 1998. He then moved to United States and specialized in psychiatry.
Meheret received his Medical Degree in Addis Ababa, Tikur Hospital. He then travelled to the United States, and joined Saint Louis University and specialized in psychiatry in 2008.
After graduating medical school, Meheret served in Military hospitals in Hurso military camp near to the eastern city of Dire Dewa. The time was the Ethio-Eritrea war, and Mehret treated the military that was training and fighting to join the war. He then moved to another remote area, Konso, joining Doctors without Borders. The time was 2005, and there was a draught that affected many parts of the country. It was this experiences that made Dr. Meheret more passionate to understand people’s thought process and study psychiatry.
Meheret moved to the United States and studied psychiatry in Saint Louis University. After he finished his specialization, he made an arrangement to work both in Ethiopia and USA. He spends six months of a year in both countries.
Among Ethiopian’s Dr. Meheret is most known for his two books Yetekolefebt Kulef (The locked key) and Lela Sew (the other person). His character in his books deal with the consciousness of Ethiopian’s, the limitations, cultural and social struggles as well as solutions. He uses his insight in psychiatry and tried to mainstream the concepts through his books.
Dr. Mehere also strives for social and cultural transformation, to treat what he calls illnesses in culture and life style. He is most recognized for his eloquent speaking skills and in depth analysis of the Ethiopian psyche.
Personal life
Dr. Mehere lives in both United States and Ethiopia, spending every six month in a year in two countries.

I Really need not want to talk
Um so proud of you coz anten yemesele sew ethiopia keamlaz zend slagegnech.i think so many things will change in some furnitu period.ena endtredagn felgalew i have little knowledge but i have agreat patient to protect and serve ethiopia to the next generation. Finally btm amesegnalew slemtredagn ena abren ehiopian slemnlewtat.
dr. mihret debebe i am a big fan of yours, sorry for my english but i wanted to ask you a question which i think is the most common question … the thing is i want to use my time wisely and when i say wisely i make plans(which i have never succeeded by the way) and i also decide to stop or improve things but the sad thing is there is no action…which makes me just a dreamer so i wanted to know what to do
Dr.Mihiret is a mined setter and he is an excellent person who know personal thinking of every bodies.
For me !; it’s beyond the threshhold for my words to talk about D/r Mihret.
He’s naturally inherited extra candle light w/c shines the deepest portion of mind that’s miracleous for ordinary ones.
He has given birth of me once again just after I’ve come across his everlasting gifts of Books; ‘Lela Sewu ‘ as well as ‘Yetekolefebet kulf !’.
Moreover his public lecture on TV healed my Soul.
I’ve learnt many & many abstract paths of life.
Long Live !!!!@
You Are my Best For Life !!!@
For me !; it’s beyond the thresh hold for my words to talk about D/r Mihret.
You’ve naturally inherited extra candle light w/c shines the deepest portion of mind that’s miracleous for ordinary ones.
You’ve given birth of me once again just after I’ve come across his everlasting gifts of Books; ‘Lela Sewu ‘ as well as ‘Yetekolefebet kulf !’.
Moreover Your public lecture on TV healed my Soul.
I’ve learnt many & many abstract paths of life.
Long Live !!!!@
You Are my Best For Life !!!@
Please I need to contact him. If you know his email address please send it to me.
am Dagmawit from Ethiopia and i want to contact Dr Meheret Debebe for personal case .so please help me
I want to get advises from Dr.Mihret.I really love him and he is my role model too.I am a second year medical student in adama general hospital and I want to talk to you Dr.Mihret please. I will leave my email below
I am very happy because I have known Dr Mihret Debebe in my life and he my role model.if possible I want to talk to him.I will leave may email below.
ዶክተር ለኔ ጀግና ነው የኢትዬጲያ ህዝብ በ አይምሮ ብስለት የማያምን ነው ይለቁንም ራሳችንን ከሌላው አሳንሰን አለመለወጥን የምንሰብክ ደካሞች ነን እና ለኔ አንተ ተምሳሌ ነህ እና ከዚህ በላይ ስላንተ ማወቅ ፈልጋለሁ ጌታ ዘመንህን ይባርክ !
I want advice from Dr. Meheret so please send me his phone number.
I am the second oldest nephew of Mehret Gebretsadik apparently my relatives say that I look and act like he did when he was my age I am going to be a freshman soon ( in high school) but I highly doubt I will be shorter than him😂😂😂
Hey there! I really wanted to book a therapy session with Dr Mehret. I tried googling his office address but that didn’t work out. I really need to contact him but don’t know how to. I would be happy if you told me where I could find him. Any sort of contact. Email, office address. Please, I need this
Thanks, good day
I am the second oldest nephew of Mehret Gebretsadik apparently my relatives say that I look and act like he did when he was my age I am going to be a freshman soon ( in high school) but I highly doubt I will be shorter than him😂😂😂lol
Doctor you are very important for our country.God bless u in all of your jobs.
Dr I need u’r hellp ,,,,,, so please hellp me
Selam Dr Meheret yetsafkachewn huletunm metsehafoch degageme anbebeyachewalehu yemigerm eyeta ena yemayitaseb acherares yalew yanten tilk ewket megemet yemikebd hono agegnichewalehu ……Ethio yanten ayinet melkam zega selaferach edelegna nech …..enamesegenalen Tebarek
Dr Mihret Debebe am highly wanderd of your achivement..! and I have some question on publishing books so how can i get your advice ?
i am so proud of u.
You are the best for the younger Ethiopian persons to change the personal behavior.Your motivation and inspiration is attract for so many people thank you for everything Doctor Meheret Debebe (MD)
Really I admired in his ideas, Thanks for your comments & doing for all Ethiopian
Really I admired in your ideas, Thanks for your commitments & doing for all Ethiopians
I am so gland to know you .I read both book of you and they are so likable to me .you are my roll model .Am proud of you በርታልኝ አዲስ መፃፍ እጠብቃለሁ
Thank you , Dr Debebe for all the great work you do.
I am Chris, a human rights activist in New York, USA . I now have over 100,000 people on my FB pages all over the world, mostly in Africa (Including many from Ethiopia and Kenya ) South Asia , Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Middle East, India and the USA . I posted information on you and your work on all my pages tonight under a heading I started on my pages titled :
I have about 12 active FB pages / groups going now and they are growing daily . I have over 1,000 friend requests waiting for me to accept them when time allows !
If I can help you in any way, please contact me.
With respect and gratitude to you
Sincerely ,
Chris Schmidt
Freeport , New York ,
USA 11520
(H) 516/ 378-5694