Samuel Tafesse
Samuel Tafesse is an Ethiopian Philanthropic, billionaire, a construction and real estate mogul. He is the owner and CEO of Sunshine Investment Group. Samuel is considered as one of the very sharp business minds in Ethiopia. He started as an individual contractor going home to home and fixing people’s roofs, and turned the business in to one of the top construction and real estate companies in the country.
Sunshine Construction was established in 1984 as a sole proprietorship and later in 1993 transformed in to a private limited company.
According to Forbs, Samuel is one of Africa’s richest men, with an estimated net worth of 1.6 Billion Dollars.
Early Life
Samuel was born in Addis Ababa from a low income family in one of the slam known as Cherkos Sefer. He is the first born of a family of five. His father was a civil servant. He was raised in a church and served Cherkos and Saint Gabriel churches.
He spent most of his childhood working as a parking boy and street vender to support his family financially.
Samuel says he learned working hard, discipline and starting small from his family.
In the late 1980s Samuel joined Addis Ababa University Engineering department to study civil engineering. At the time, he was still working as an independent contractor fixing roofs and finishing works. He dropped out after third year. He says his work was very demanding and he couldn’t attend classes and finish his degree.
Samuel says he was convinced, at a very young age that he will be rich. For that, he was certain that he should be able to run his own business. He resisted government jobs and started his own small business painting houses and fixing roofs. He was known as Sami Ashenda (a reference for his fine work in roof repair) for fixing roofs in many buildings of Addis Ababa.
When he decided to get a license for construction, he only had 500 birr (13.80 USD in today’s value), in his bank account. Just to get the license he needed 10,000 birr (276 USD in today’s value) capital. He borrowed the money to start his business. Though he got his license, it was the Derg regime and communism was the ideology of the day. Business was very slow for the construction sector. However, when the mixed economy was introduced at the last years of the military regime, Samuel’s business took off.
After the change in government, in 1991, Samuel saw the new era of construction in Ethiopia. In fact, the new ‘capitalist’ system was construction enthusiast, and Samuel was at the right place and time to boom his business. As the government started constructing roads all over the country, Samuel turned his company Sun Shine in to an expert of road construction. He won more than 15 bids to construct roads in different parts of the country, some of them very difficult and mountainous.
Zebider Mountain road is one of the most known accomplishment of the company. The company then went in to buildings and real estate. Sunshine construction is behind most of university building, apartments, and commercial complexes.
The company built the Marriott Executive Apartment Hotel, the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently the company is also building Hilton Hotel in Hawassa, some 270 kilometers from Addis Ababa.
Samuel established sun shine foundation in 2010. The foundation supports children who lost their parents for HIV/Aids to continue their education. The foundation also supports elders and street children. Samuel has committed all revenue from one of his commercial building constructed on Africa Avenue (Bole Road) to the foundation. The construction earns 15 million birr annually.
Samuel Tafesse is married to Fetlework Elala for more than 30 years.
They have six children, three girls and three boys. Samuel and his family live in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

So moved
I am very happy by his intelgency and the working habite were very interesting for all ethiopian ,and the one character that unique from the other billioner were to aid for education.,ረጂም እደሜ ተመኘሁ ለ አቶ ሳሙኤል ታፈሰ,መፀሀፉን ባገኝ በደንብ ባወኩት
Hello mr. Did u find the book? If so send me via pdf and thank you
I want to join this beautifull company
Amazing creative personality. I proud of being an Ethiopian when I learn the track records of such a man.
A man who let us to confidently keeps us up right; as we are crowded of evil personalities at our time in particular when we are ashamed of ourselves , being recorded as Ethiopian Citizen together with acts of the Cruel ,
Samuel is shining.. as Diamond,A pro-typical personality. Hardworking pays!
I am going to work with you to join Sunshine Construction!
ልዑል እግዚአብሔር ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ከመላው ቤተሰቦ ይስጦት፡፡ፈጣሪ እንደዚህ አይነት ሰው ያብዛልን፡፡
betam konjo tarik new betam astemari
ato samuel you are my hero
great enterprenure
you Samuel, I heard that you are willing to share ideas with anyone. Believing your says, I repeatedly came to your office so as to help you in your boarding school project in Debre-birhan. However, your secretaries did not allow me to talk to you. But I don’t believe my failure to see you is helped by your own dedication as well. Thanks,
አስደናቂ የፈጠራ ስብዕና.
የእንደዚህ አይነት ሰው ታሪክ ስማር ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆኔ እኮራለሁ።
በመቀጠል የሳን ሻይን ሪልስቴት ተጠቃሚ በመሆኔ
ደስተኛ ነኝ
አቶ ሳሙኤል ታፈሠ ረጅም እድሜ እና ሙሉ ጤና ፈጣሪ ይስጥልኝ ።
I remember sitting at the ልዩ ሞያ cafe at the intersection of Debreziet road and nickel square under the Siemen building. Samuel Taffess የፈለገ ዮርዳኖስ ፈታኝ was thinking out loud in the Derg regime. None of us believed 🤔 that would be possible, but he did it. He was very bright even in elementary and middle school.